terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2015

Cientistas da NASA criticam adesão do "papa Francisco" ao dogma panteísta do Aquecimento Global Antropogénico

Um grupo de cientistas e engenheiros da NASA escreveu uma carta ao "papa Francisco" aconselhando-o a ser céptico em relação ao novo dogma do Aquecimento Global Antropogénico.

« A group of retired NASA scientists and engineers has written a letter to Pope Francis urging him to be skeptical of global warming claims coming from Vatican advisers.

“This letter is respectfully submitted on behalf of an independent, all-volunteer team of more than 20 retired NASA Apollo Program veterans, who joined together in February 2012 to perform an objective, un-funded, independent study of scientific claims regarding significant global warming caused by human activity, known as anthropogenic global warming (AGW),” wrote Dr. Harold Doiron, a retired NASA scientist who now chairs the The Right Climate Stuff Research Team. »

Retired NASA Scientists Warn Pope Against Global Warming Alarmism

A adesão leviana do "papa Francisco" a este dogma panteísta, é lamentável. 

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